ripnwud twin peaks master top

TWIN PEAKS Freerando Collection

Like Always, Like no others…
Handmade with the best ECO materials available


157 · 167 · 177 · 188cm

Rip’nWud’s “TWIN PEAKS”  collection, handmade construction with 5 different hand selected wood’s,  Our new freerando collection offers a light weight, 1.1 Kg @ 177cm  yet durable construction that will give riders the same feeling like our already successful freeride, All mountain & alpine collection.

If you are looking for light weight performance and stability with all Rip’nWud’s quality and durability, then it is time to get on it.

For more information on ski profiles and weight contact Kevan the builder of Rip’nWud skis direct at our basecamp in Annecy.

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